Saturday, January 21, 2012

Singapore predominant Food Recipes

Singapore is a melting pot bubbling over with tourists, inhabitants and expatriates from all parts of the world, and these population plainly have diverse eating habits. Straight through the ages, the Chinese, Malay, Indians and the foreigners (westerners) have cast their influence on Singapore's food recipes and there is no doubt that Singapore is a food lovers' paradise.

Singaporeans love to eat out and there is a feast of multicultural cuisine waiting for them in restaurants and especially in hawker centers and food courts. Here is a list of the major types of foods you can feast on in Singapore:


1. Malaysian Food: Malaysian food, also known as Malay food, is a beloved in Singapore plainly because Malaysia is Singapore's neighbor and there are a whole lot of Malaysians living there; Spicy Malaysian gravies are laced with belachan, which is made from baby shrimps and the Malaysian desserts are usually based on coconut milk, palm sugar and freshly grated coconut. Then, of course, there are the rice and noodles too, which any Malaysian cannot live without. All these go to make an exotic eating experience. Some Malaysian food you must try out in Singapore: Laksa (coconut-based gravies) and Satay (grilled and skewered meat).

2. Chinese Food: The Chinese have been in Singapore since the last seven centuries and their influence on Singapore's food recipes is authoritative. Chinese food can be subtle and neutral (Cantonese), or it can be fiery (Szechuan). Rice is a staple food in any Chinese dish and you can try out the following dishes to get a flavor of the Chinese influence: Shark fin soup, spring rolls (Cantonese - subtle taste); Fried Hokkien Mee (vermicelli, noodles, chili gravy, garlic, prawns, pork and all else); and, Teochew food such as steamed fish and braised duck.

3. Indian Food: South Indians (mostly Tamilians) migrated to Singapore in the 1940s and their influence on Singaporean cuisine is undeniable. In fact there is an area in Singapore (around Serangoon Road), which is know as wee India. You must try out the south Indian Dosas, Idlis, Vadas that are served with spicy gravy and chutneys as well as the north Indian Tandoori Chicken (chicken smothered with a spicy paste and cooked in a clay oven).

4. Nyonya Food: Nyonyas are half-Malay, half-Chinese population who cook very hot and spicy food loaded with ginger and turmeric. Their recipes are creative and the cooking methods are elaborate. Some of the predominant Nyonya dishes you must savor are: Enche kabin (small chicken pieces marinated in soy and oyster sauce) and Chicken Kapitan (chicken curry made using tamarind juice, candlenut, fresh turmeric root and belachan (shrimp paste)).

These apart, Singapore also offers western cuisine comprising of American, British, and Italian dishes. There are fast food centers, food courts, hawker centers, restaurants and you-name-it. As we said earlier, Singapore's food recipes cater to all kinds of food lovers. Bon Appetit.

Singapore predominant Food Recipes

Friday, January 20, 2012

Menu Planning For Your bistro

The menu is one of the most important thing that would bring in customers into your restaurant business. Therefore, if you ever aspire to gain success from it, then it is of point to determined plan your menu offerings. But this would entail a lot of decision manufacture on your part to ensure that the menu incorporates the theme and proper of the business.

There are some factors you need to reconsider though that will help influence your choices of menu to comprise in the restaurant.



Menu Planning For Your bistro

Every restaurant must have a theme. If not, then it would be difficult for your to stand out or put in follow your efforts at brand recognition. This is also one of the best ways to found your own customer base and get repeat customers. For instance, are you going to make an Italian, Spanish, or Persian restaurant? Your choice will greatly influence your menu gift and what your specializations are. If possible, narrow down the choices to comprise exact types of cuisine. In fact, some restaurants generate their own unique menu to ensure that patrons will go to them in search of that specialty.

Menu Size

What this basically means is that how large your menu gift are to your quarterly patrons. If possible, limit your menu offerings such that there is enough disagreement for the idiosyncratic taste preferences of your customer, but not large enough such that navigating it would be a difficult mess. Make selecting recipes in your menu easy for your customers. Most importantly they have to be aware of the ingredients and preparing complex in manufacture those dishes.


Your restaurant need to have dissimilar recipes that you rotate in your menu daily. However, make sure to offers specials from time to time, which will convince new customers to check your business out. But when you say "special", you need to live up to it and offer something that is of higher standard, taste, or ability as you would commonly offer. You can even opt to offer these specials on exact night of the week wherein there are more likely customers dining in.

Menu Planning For Your bistro

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Are Fast Food and Obesity Related?

Drive-up restaurants, milkshakes, fries, and time-honored burgers and dripping Coney Islands - that's what makes the American cuisine - since the 1950's. This has been America's characteristic manner of preparation food - Fast Food - the epitome of the American life. Yet should tradition hinder improvement?


When it comes to health, the write back should be a big No. When America is at risk of the fast food and obesity outbreak, the consumer should think twice before he takes a huge gulp of his sweet soda.

Fast food and obesity has been a major link that makes the American dinning taste and unfortunately American condition most distinguished to world specialists. About 60M of the American habitancy is considered obese. Australia only comes second in the fast food craze and obesity maze. Most significantly is that the impending danger of obesity concern has become a world phenomenon. The problem of obesity has crept swiftly as fast as the spurt of fast foods all throughout the world. Though, we could not blame McDonaldization and Globalization.

What makes this type of food so attractive not only to Americans is that it's not just hot, tasty, and greasy; it's also constant and convenient. The cheeseburger that you so loved since childhood have never changed a bit - a constancy that is so hard to find in the constantly changing society. Additionally, the fast-paced lifestyle of the current generation only leaves this type of food in the high-ladder for convenience. preparation all things with minimum fuss has just become so valuable. And you can also add the joy of indulgence. But what about the cons?

Primary is over-indulgence. Not only is this food expensive and isolating; it is also over-eating tolerant. It's true that it is sometimes a breathtaking thing to be able to overcome your guilt to have yourself a treat, yet can you take the guilt of burdening your body with fast food and obesity?

The problem with fast food and obesity is that it has become socially acceptable, even encouraged. Some call it expression, even freedom, equality. You see commercials of all sorts urging you get the latest dessert. You go to the mall and there's a special line of plus sizes. It all seems purely natural but it doesn't mean it's totally right. This isn't to say that fast food can't be consumed occasionally, and that fat habitancy should be detested. The point is that these can be avoided, and that there are better choices.

Sure you can look at fast food as just a way of life; but also look at obesity as what it is - a disease, and a serious one - something you wouldn't want to indulge in.

Are Fast Food and Obesity Related?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

primary Food of Honduras

It is extraordinary that this great country of Honduras which is very poor can still yield some of the greatest tasting recipes. Some of the more traditional food of Honduras includes tortillas, fried beans, bananas or papayas, eggs and regularly some type of veggie. It is known that in this country most of the traditional food of Honduras is grown right there so they do not have to import a lot of foods. Fruits, vegetables and meat are regularly all butchered and homegrown for each family.

This country tends to take some of the recipes from Mexico and put their own Honduras twist on it, so if you like Mexican food and you are seeing for something newer and healthier, then you may want to give some traditional food of Honduras a try. Because most of the food of this country is homegrown and not imported, using the freshest inherent vegetables, fruits and other ingredients is very important and will make all the unlikeness in taste. Organic is the way to go when it comes to making ready this type of authentic food.


The baleada is an additional one traditional food of Honduras and is a staple in the country. Basically, a baleada is a flour tortilla which is folded in half and filled with refried beans and cheese and then topped with sour cream. In essence, this dish is what Americans call a quesadilla. A baleada is a great dish for breakfast, lunch or evening meal it is all on how you prepare it. Many citizen will add roast meat (chicken or pork, red meat is not allowed in a lot of Honduran dishes) for evening meal and scramble up some eggs to have in it for breakfast.

primary Food of Honduras

Naturally, these are not the only traditional food of Honduras, there are many soups that have made an appearance in this country and are a great way to start or end a meal. For instance, a great bean soup can compliment a evening meal of tacos amazingly well, or if you are a man who enjoys seafood, the Honduran's have come up with a extraordinary seafood soup that is a tiny bit spicy and sweet. Most of the soups, as a known fact are complimented by corn tortillas which you can dip into the soup.

So as you can see, some of the most traditional food of Honduras is fantastic, tastes great and is very wholesome for you! either you are making this meal specifically for you or you are cooking for a big family, you will have a great time not only making ready this meal but also eating it! Just be sure that you have some water around, for a lot of the traditional food of Honduras is spicy!

To try out some traditional food of Honduras such as quesadillas, fried plantain, salsas, chismol, bronzed tilapia, conch soup, coconut bread and many, many more, check out these Honduran recipes.

primary Food of Honduras

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

study The Many Uses Of Lemon Grass

Lemon grass is one of the useful herbs population can advantage from in a varitey of ways. What most population do not know is that lemon grass is one of the most commonly used herbs in practically every civilization.


Other names for the lemon grass are cymbopogon, lemongrass or fever grass.

The lemon grass is a native of the Old World for it ideally grows in the warm and temperate tropics. This is basically a tall perennial grass that has 55 species at present.

Here are some of the uses of the lemon grass today.

Ingredient in Dishes

The lemon grass or Cymbopogon ciatrus is known for its use in cooking, especially for most cuisines of Asian countries like Thailand and Vietnam.

Meal enthusiasts will genuinely appreciate the use of this tropical grass in bringing about an aromatic detail to dishes.

The flavor of the lemon grass can be achieved whether it is used fresh, dried or powdered.

The stalk is hard but it can be genuinely chopped finely to be added to your recipe. It can also be cooked as it is and let it issue its oils for aromatic endeavors.

People can also use lemon grass in their teas, curries and soups. It can suit genuinely any poultry or seafood dishes.

This is especially important for most South East Asian dishes as the flavor of the lemon grass helps equilibrium the hot chillies that are staples in most cuisine.

Scents and Aromas

Aside from cooking, it can also be used for other purposes. In India, the lemon grass can be utilized as element in perfumes.

Most population may be well-known to citronella which is genuinely someone else popular name for lemon grass. The citronella is a tasteless element for supporting the scents of soaps, perfumes and candles.

Citronella is also used as mosquito repellent. Even dogs are known to dislike the scent of citronella, production it an sufficient tool to keep away the pets in areas where they are not supposed to go.

Aromatherapeutic Use

The Palmarosa species of the lemon grass has positive sweet-smelling oil that can be of important use in aromatherapy. It has a calming follow that can comfort the stress and tension in the body.

One can enjoy the relaxing mood follow by the lemon grass by using it in massage or while bath.

However, caution must be taken to only use this in low dilution. This is not very advisable too to population who have high risks to skin allergy.

In some instances, the lemon grass can even be utilized as a mild depressant.

Medicinal Function

The lemon grass also has good effects to the body. It can help significantly in detoxifying the organs in the digestive system like the pancreas, kidney, bladder and liver.

This is made inherent because the lemon grass aids in cutting down the cholesterol, uric acid and toxins in the system.

At the same time, this helps in stimulating digestion and blood circulation. Consequently, gastroenteritis and indigestion can be avoided.

In some countries, lemon grass is even used to minimize the pimples and acne on the face.


Lemon grass may sound and look very commonplace to you but there are many wonders you can get from this plant. So get to know lemon grass great and it may just be the talk to one of your needs today.

study The Many Uses Of Lemon Grass

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sample Checklist For occasion Your bistro

Entering into any enterprise is a involved task. There are a amount of things to be taken care of. It is recommended that you should put in order a checklist for opportunity a restaurant. Some of the prominent aspects that you must cover in your checklist for opportunity a restaurant are in case,granted here.

The very first thing is to put in order a permissible enterprise plan for your restaurant and resolve if you would be owning the restaurant in your own name or if you would form a enterprise in whose name the restaurant would be run. establishment of enterprise plan is necessary. It is something like a framework, a guiding principle according to which your restaurant would function. The role can be equated to the role of the constitution of the United States for the government of United States.


With this done, you would have to embark on the course to get the proper licenses and permissions for your restaurant. Get in touch with your local connection of hoteliers and restaurateurs in this regard. They would be indubitably helpful.

Next up you have to resolve the kind of market you would target. Also the kind of cuisine you wold be serving must be decided at this point. Directly ensue this by a crusade of location for your restaurant. Escort some research work about the market to resolve its inherent as well as the competition that you may face in the said area.

Now comes the money! This is the time where big spending is about to start so you should first start by finding at options from where you can regain the loan. Most of the people would like to use their savings as the seed money. Not a indubitably great idea! The best thing is that you should look for bank loans. First thing is that you can get a lot of money. The loan comes with guarnatee and you can keep your savings for the stages when your enterprise is going through startup hiccups.

With money in your hand the premises in your occupation, your checklist should start face things at a much more detailed scales. Yep micromanagement part has arrived. Start with buy of equipment and recruitment of personnel. At the same time you must have a parallel checklist to cover the interior designing work that is going on in your restaurant. By this time, your licenses should have been finalized. Don't forget to regain them.

Next you have to look for suppliers of provisions and other catering and restaurant supplies. Make sure that they are reliable. Final touches to the aesthetics and amelioration of menu must in the conclusive parts of of your checklist.

Keep in mind that these aspects of checklist for opportunity a restaurant are not exhaustive and you would have to add more points and details to it as you go along following it.

Sample Checklist For occasion Your bistro

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mind Your Manners - Italian Etiquette

Meeting People

When meeting habitancy for the first time it is proper to wait to be introduced. You will commonly be introduced to the oldest someone first followed by the women.


The change of business cards is a common convention when first meeting someone. Status is important in the Italian culture and it is common to list any titles and/or education degrees you hold on your business cards.

Mind Your Manners - Italian Etiquette

Physical Greetings

When greeting someone a handshake accompanied by a "Pleased to meet you" is appropriate. When departing be sure to shake everyone's hand, a normal group wave as is often done in the United States is not looked on favorably.

An "air kiss" is an proper greeting once you have established a association with someone.

Physical Space

Italians stand much closer to one an additional one than Americans do and it is common for men to walk down the road arm and arm and also women to walk down the road arm and arm.

Eye Contact

Intense direct eye sense is common, looking away is a sign of disinterest and/or that you are behaving rude.

Good Topics of Discussion

Food, wine, soccer (the national pastime), politics (if you know what you are talking about), music, religious doctrine and current events.

Bad Topics of Discussion

Inquiring about inexpressive family matters, personal income, stereotypes, World War Ii and Vatican politics. Also the common American query "what do you do?" is thought about rude and too personal.

Communication Style

Moments of silence are rare in Italy and repeated interruptions signify interest.

Whistling and winking at women is meant as a compliment and is not used in a degrading way. If a woman is interested she will respond the whistlers with eye contact, if she is not she will ignore them.

Italians often gesture with their hands and one does not converse with their hands in their pockets. Italians place great importance on maintaining a "Bella Figura" (Beautiful Figure/ Image) and slouching and leaning against things is just not done.

Waiting in Line

Lines do not exist in Italy, do not be surprised if someone just walks up to the counter and is served before you, despite the fact that you were next and have been waiting in "line" for the past 20 minutes.


The evening "passeggiata" is a common occurrence in Italy. Strolling the streets, looking who is out and catching up with friends is a nightly occurrence in Italy.


Customer aid is not as "in your face" as it is in the United States. commonly a salesclerk will ignore you until eye sense is made signaling aid is required.

Public Transportation

The easiest way to catch a taxi cab is at a taxi stand.

On public communication it is traditional for the younger to give up their seats to the older and men to give up their seats to women.


The tip is commonly already included in the price at a restaurant. A proper tip for a taxi driver is 10 percent. Bellmen usually receive 1 Euro per bag.

Appropriate Dress

In normal Italians dress much more formally than Americans. Italians value "quality" in their clothing and are much more likely to own 2 very nice expensive suits than 6 decent economy suits. Black and muted colors are common in aggregate with brighter colored accessories.

Italian women tend to wear more makeup than American women and also wear nylons all year round.

Meal Time

Breakfast is commonly from 8 to 8:30 Am

A proper Italian morning meal is coffee (espresso is commonly served after dinner) with a croissant or a join of cookies.

Lunch is commonly served from 1 to 3 Pm

In the south lunch is the biggest and longest meal of the day, in the North it is often the biggest meal of the day but while the business week it does not last as long as it does on the weekend. A typical lunch includes soup, bread and olive oil, a main meal and/or soup, salad and a desert of fruit. Wine and sparkling mineral water usually accompanies the meal.

Dinner is commonly served from 8 to 10 Pm

If the main meal of the day was lunch, then dinner is often a light affair taken at home. If however it was not a typical dinner is quite elaborate. Formal Italian meals consist of: antipasto (such as proscuitto, bruschetta, or fruit), soup, pasta, main dish (usually meat), salad, cheese, desert, fruit and an espresso. Wine is also commonly taken with dinner.

Table Manners

The Italians do not switch their knife and fork as habitancy do in the States. The fork remains in the left hand and the knife in the right hand.

Placing your utensils down on your plate signifies to wait staff that you are finished.

When not using your utensils your hands should be kept descriptive above the table.

Dishes are passed to the left.

To get a waiters concentration you should make contact, waving your hand or calling out is thought about to be rude.

Often times in an informal restaurant you will be seated at a table with a stranger, if this is the case conversation is not expected.

Who Pays?

In normal the someone who does the inspiring also does the paying, although the guest is startling to protest. When a woman is seated at a table with men the men (despite a woman's protest) will all the time pick up the bill.


The supplementary south you go the less importance is settled on being on time. For public events being a half an hour to an hour late is common. When habitancy are late resist the American temptation to ask the reason. Lateness is commonly because a someone was complicated in obligations that complicated superiors, family or old friends (and it would have been rude to cut it short).

Mind Your Manners - Italian Etiquette

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Kfc Chicken recipe - traditional Chicken recipe Revealed!

In your childhood years as a precocious aspiring cook, you have probably wondered about the ingredients in the Kfc chicken recipe. Well, so have many other children and their mothers and fathers while munching their way through every piece of skin and meat and, finally, sucking the bone to get every last ounce of flavor. Besides, who would not want to enjoy the flavors of a Kfc fried chicken at home everyday?


However, the inventor of the Kfc chicken formula took great pains not to spin any of the ingredients and making ready methods complicated in production the finger lickin' good chicken. It remains to this day a closely-guarded trade underground although others have professed to know the Kfc chicken recipe. Yes, even the trademark 11 herbs and spices are yet to be announced to the outside world.

Well, a trade underground it may be but one can always hope to find the Kfc chicken formula that most closely resembles the customary as advanced by Colonel Sanders. Or best yet, you can always wholly copy the Kfc customary or spicy chicken formula down to the last juicy bite.

How is this made possible, you ask? Well, let's just say I've learned it myself from many separate resources and finally, sorted out the best ingredients for Kfc customary fried chicken recipe.

Kfc customary Fried Chicken Ingredients

2 fryer chickens, cut up into 8 pieces and marinated 6 cups Crisco shortening 2 eggs, well beaten 31/2 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon msg 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder 1 dash paprika 3 cups milk 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons ground pepper


Place shortening into the pressure cooker and heat over medium heat to the shortening reaches 400°F. Beat the egg and milk in a small bowl. Mixing the remaining six dry ingredients in an additional one bowl. Place every piece of chicken into the milk. Roll the moistened chicken in the flour blend until well coated. Drop the covered chicken pieces into the shortening and lock the lid. When pressure builds up, cook for 8-12 minutes.

You will delightedly discover, as I have, that the Kfc chicken formula is not as difficult to do as it appears. The ingredients including the herbs and spices as well as the making ready and frying methods are detailed in a step-by-step guide, which even a fifth grader just beginning how to fry a single leg of chicken can follow.

The attractiveness of following a favorite Kfc chicken formula is that you can make fullness of fried chickens for an army, if you want, and yet not worry about the costs rivaling the allocation deficit of the United States. In short, not only will your chickens be as finger lickin' good but your pockets will not take a licking either.

Kfc Chicken recipe - traditional Chicken recipe Revealed!

Friday, January 13, 2012

choosing & Cooking Chinese Christmas Recipes

With the Chinese New Year being the most leading event in the Chinese calendar, you'd imagine that Christmas got swept under the carpet. Not so, as celebrating Christmas becomes more popular throughout China.


Whilst you won't find the hype and shopping madness of Western countries, in major cities you'll see lights, trees and Christmas decorations on the streets and in stores. Christmas Day is not even a bank holiday in China, although it is in Hong Kong and Macao. either this is just part of the Chinese interest in Western culture, or a sales ploy by the big stores, who can say?

With an expanding number of Christians, it can only be unbelievable that more habitancy will be celebrating the festive season in China each year. With exiguous tradition and history, cooking for a Chinese Christmas supper means you can cook any extra chance dish you choose.

However, there are a few suggestions we can make to get you started:-

Peking Duck Cantonese Roast Duck Kung Pao Chicken Cookies Five Spice Peanuts Sesame Seed Balls Spring Rolls

Whilst many of the recipes above are traditionally eaten for the Chinese New Year, they will serve just as well for a Christmas dinner. As always with Chinese cooking, use the freshest ingredients, put in order them well ahead of time, so that all you have to do is cook!

An excellent resource is which has lots of great formula and food ideas for every holiday chance along with Chinese cookie recipes.

choosing & Cooking Chinese Christmas Recipes

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pampanga Cuisine - The Philippines

If it's a Filipino dish that's tasty, aromatic, and appetizing, it must be a Pampanga cuisine. Here are samples.


Begukan Babi

Fried-brown pork pieces sautéed in garlic, onions, and tomatoes. The thing that makes this Pampanga cuisine super flavorsome is the composition of preserved shrimp or "bagoong" and native vinegar. The sautéed pork is bathed in the proportioned bagoong-vinegar concoction until the composition turns into a fine spicy sauce enriching the flavor of pork. This is perfect as a steamy rice topping.

Chicken and Pork Apritada

A Pampanga cuisine of pork and chicken like Pampanga Apritada often comes out very rich in color and sauce-rich. Apritada is a rich and juicy mix of pork, chicken, potatoes, red bell pepper, and tomato sauce, and Pampanga folks have even made it look and taste richer with liberal amounts of tomato sauce applied in a special manner. Apritada is a favorite Filipino dish differently done by different regions in the Philippines.

Kalderetang Kambing

Folks from Northern Luzon are specialist goat meat cookers. Pampanga, Tagalog, and Ilocos folks, among others, have different secrets in cooking their Kaldereta recipes, and among the delectable versions is the Kaldereta Pampanga cuisine. Among the secrets are the Spanish Paprika, rum, beef liver, and grated cheese contents. The goat meat always comes out tender and extra flavorsome, with a rich, thick sauce of melted cheese, spices, goat beef and liver essence, and tomato sauce. Every bite has a hot and spicy taste to it.


Bopis is a favorite Filipino dish among locals. It has a subtle meat flavor mixed with a light touch of pleasantly sourly taste. Hence, it goes well with fish sauce or patis. Cooked as a Pampanga cuisine, Bopis becomes even more appetizing. It's mostly of pork innards, like lungs and liver, well tenderized and spiced up with vinegar, salt, and some flavorsome local herbs.

Crispy Pata

It's everyone's favorite! This Filipino dish never fails to tickle the appetites even of foreigners. Crispy Pata Pampanga style is even more crackling to the bite. The crispy and golden pork skin-covering is such a yummy introduction to the juicy and tender meat inside. When Crispy Pata is located on the supper table the aroma is plainly tempting even to strict dieters.

Rellenong Talong

Eggplant may look lowly to most people, but not to an specialist Pampanga chef. A favorite Pampanga cuisine called Rellenong Talong is plainly stuffed eggplant, but done with important Pampanga culinary secrets. Eggplant is soaked in a bowl of beaten egg whites and yolks. Then cooked ground pork or beef is mixed in with sautéed garlic, onions, and tomato. This is a Filipino dish many people love.

Pampanga Cuisine - The Philippines

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Malaysian Airlines

Malaysian airlines offers one the capability to fly everywhere with the amazing offers that they have on board. The cabin crew has been voted surrounded by the best and customer- centric. There are any bargains on offer at Malaysian airlines which can be availed no matter what your purpose of travel, company or leisure. There are any exotic places to fly to for less when you fly Malaysian airlines.

No matter what the destination that you plan to fly to, it will be made potential in the easiest and favorable of fashions. This is the place wherein you will get to contact the best of hospitality and at the best of prices. You can fly to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Europe and America. They offer business, economy and company class with airfares that are highly competitive.


For instance there is a direct flight from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur which can be booked for Aud 848 to 980. London to Kuala Lumpur flight marker can be booked for Aud 627 to 980.The flight from Kuala Lumpur to Sydney costs Aud 2140.

This is the airline that offers the best of travel and puts smiles on every customer's face. The most recent of aircraft, along with the most amazing of milieu right from the time that you check in to the airport to the time that you board the airplane! You can avail of the very best of Tv shows, movies, music and sports and news channels. There are any games to play and loads of entertainment of varied kinds to keep you occupied. When you travel by you get to contact the best of signature dishes along with the meet the chefs and the extra meals. The airlines have won any culinary awards for its most amazing cuisine served in the skies.

Malaysian airlines allow you to stay in touch with your loved ones even when you are thousands of miles in the sky. You will be able to keep in contact with your loved ones or company partners in the same way as though you were on ground. This makes it an highly coveted assistance from Malaysian airlines. You can send and read emails whilst in the air and all of this is potential because of the high end technology that is all the time used at Malaysian Airlines. Whilst you are waiting for a flight for Malaysian Airlines the lounge is so designed to make your wait a real breeze. You can dine and relax and use the communication facilities that are specially earmarked for Malaysian Airlines passengers. These are exclusive lounges wherein you can take advantage of the exclusivity and allow yourself to be pampered like never before. This is one place that you can rejuvenate yourself and feel refreshed once again as you sink into the most luxurious of chairs and taste the best of mouthwatering of cuisine from around the world. This can only be experienced when you fly Malaysian Airlines.

Malaysian Airlines

Monday, January 9, 2012

How To Cook The perfect Pork Loin

The loin of pork ranks amongst the tenderest and tastiest cuts on the animal. By far the best way to put in order it is to roast it. But, there are two classic ways to roast a loin of pork. The first of these is the British way, where you roast at high temperatures for a relatively short number of time. This gives you exquisite crackling. The second is the French method where you roast the meat moderately in wine for a long time. This does not crisp the pork skin and you get no crackling, but you do get a very moist and juicy joint of meat.

I present both these roasting techniques below.


Herbed Roast Pork with Crackling


1 loin of pork, (about 2kg), with the skin scored

small sprigs rosemary

small sprigs thyme

3 or 4 garlic coves, slivered

1 tbsp base sea salt

1/2 small onion, chopped

freshly-ground black pepper


Always make clear that the skin of your pork loin is as dry as possible (otherwise you will never get good crackling). If the skin looks damp, dry it as best you can with kitchen paper and sprinkle with cornflour. Leave for ten minutes then dust-off the cornflour (cornstarch).

Place the meat on a chopping block and score the fat. Insert sprigs of thyme and rosemary along with the garlic into the score marks now rub as much of the salt as you can into the skin. Grind black pepper to season well. Spread the onion on the base of a roasting tin then place the meat either on top of this (or on a metal rack in the roasting tin. Place in the centre of an oven pre-heated to 240°C and roast for 20 minutes. Sacrifice the heat to 190°C and cook for a supplementary 110 minutes.

You can, of procedure make a gravy from the pan juices to serve with your meat.

Roast Loin of Pork with Garlic

This is the classic French method of roasting a joint of pork. Compared with the customary British method you end-up with juicier and more succulent meat but you do not get a crispy crackling.


1 loin of pork (about 1.5kg) boned and with rind removed

Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1 tsp freshly chopped sage

generous pinch of ground allspice

1 garlic clove, slivered

150ml dry white wine or water


Place the meat in a large bowl or dish and liberally rub the salt, pepper, sage and allspice into the joint. Leave in a cool place for several hours or overnight if possible for the flavours to infuse. When ready lay the joint flat and place garlic slivers at regular intervals along the inside of the joint. When done roll the joint up and tie securely with butchers' string.

Transfer to a roasting pan and add the wine or water. Cover with a lid or foil and place in an oven pre-heated to 150°C. Roast for about 2 1/2 hours, or until the meat is tender and the juices are no longer pink when pierced with a skewer. Check the pan every now and then and if the joint becomes to dry add a tiny more water.

Take the joint out and place on a warm plate. Cover with foil and allow to rest for 10 minutes. Remove the string at this point and carve into slices. Dispose these on a warm serving platter.

Again you can make a gravy out of the pan juices to serve with the meat if you so wish.

You now have two truly classic and time-honoured methods for roasting pork. Which you chose to base your own recipes upon will depend on personal preference. Though you're more than welcome to give both recipes a try.

How To Cook The perfect Pork Loin

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Grandma's Fruitcake

This is the method that my grandmother brought with her when she and her family left Russia in the early 1900's. As a child colse to the 1920's or so, while living on a farm in Pennsylvania which at that time there were a great whole of citizen coming from Europe, you needed to be able
to do things for yourself. She learned from her mother how to make a most tasty white fruit cake, a white fruitcake is a fruitcake that does not have any molasses, molasses which is very bitter, not having the molasses in the fruitcake gives it a lighter color, this gives it the name white fruitcake.

This fruitcake in the days in which my mother lived as a child with her parents was only
made while Christmas because the only time you could get walnuts, cherries, and some other ingredient's was in the fall of the year. Remember now they didn't go to the store to buy what they needed, they had to grow them. Raisins were dried by the citizen themselves, they even had to shell their own walnuts, and candy their own cherries, and such the pineapple and coconut I do believe they must have purchased.


To keep with tradition the only time of the year that I make or sell this fruitcake is during
the Christmas holidays, and in my mind you cannot get a best fruitcake.

Here we go now gather up your ingredient's and set them on your table, all ingredient's need to be at room temperature.

1 pound butter
12 eggs
1-pound sugar
1 pound flour all-purpose
1 pound white raisins
1 pound walnut meats
1-pound red and green candied cherries
1-pound bakers flaked coconut
1-pound candies pineapple
1 tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in 1/4-cup warm water
2 cups brandy--any brand
Soak the raisins, walnuts, cherries, coconut and pineapple with 2 cups brandy overnight in a stainless steel bowl.

In a 5 quart mixing bowl cream butter and sugar, then add eggs slowly, then add your flour and blend well, add the baking soda and water and mix a little more, add all other ingredients and mix until well blended.

Mow you are going to bake it in 2 pound pan, or in the pan of your choice, foil or hard pan,
line the pan with wax paper or baking paper or best yet a pan liner the size of the pan.

For 2 pound pan:

Place 1 pound 12 ounces of the mixture in the pan and level it with a spoon, don't bang it
on the table.

Bake it at 350 degrees for 1 hour to 1 hour 20 minutes depends on your oven and how brown you want it. It's done when a pick is located in the town and it comes out clean.

Let it cool on a rack for a while and then sprinkle it with 1 ounce of brandy and then an additional one ounce when it is cool and then pack it away for about 3 days in your refrigerator and then enjoy.

Grandma's Fruitcake

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The History of Culinary Arts

Cooking was once seen as either a hobby or a chore. Up till now, it is regarded as a very skilled line of work within a multi-billion industry. Students taking up culinary arts are equipped with distinct levels of skills and knowledge, but they all share the same thing and that is the passion for cooking. You will never go supplementary and study culinary arts if, in the first place, you don't have interest in cooking, now would you?


Food is the one thing that has all the time been and will continue to be a big part of our daily lives as a corollary of the family recipes that we carry with great care from many generations passed. For some, they learn new cuisines while others even go to culinary schools to perfect their skills and touch and collect a degree in culinary arts. Knowing that every person needs food is so much easy to understand, but aren't you curious to know as to when and where do the distinct types of taste, presentations and features of the food started? If you are, then lets us witness the history of culinary arts.

The history of culinary can be traced back in the 1800s when the very first cooking school in Boston was teaching the art of American cooking along with establishment the students to pass on their knowledge to others. The first cookbook ever published was written by Fannie Merrit Farmer in 1896, who also attended the Boston cooking school and whose book is still widely used as a reference and it remains in print at present.

The next phase in the history of culinary arts was taken through the television where in 1946 James Beard, who is also recognized as father of the American cuisine, held quarterly cooking classes on the art of American cooking. On the other hand, the French cuisine was brought to life in the American community by Julia Child in 1960s when, through the power of the radios, she entered all the kitchens nationwide.

Later on the history of culinary, the Culinary found of America (Cia) was founded and was the first culinary school to hold career-based courses on the art of cooking. Its first location was in the campus of Yale University in Connecticut, which was later moved in 1972 to New York. But before the Cia was established, those who wanted a occupation in culinary arts regularly had to go through apprenticeships under seasoned chefs to gain on-the-job training. This learning formula was a customary policy in Europe, but rather a inspiring arrangement as organized apprenticeships were a quite new belief in the history of culinary arts in the Us. Any way today, apprenticeships continue to offer an perfect culinary touch to aspiring chefs.

The History of Culinary Arts

Friday, January 6, 2012

French Gravy

There are a amount of dissimilar styles of gravy that citizen can find. From the traditional favorites we eat nearby the holidays to others that are a small more unique. These gravies can be smothered on your popular foods and heighten flavors and textures of a collection of dissimilar foods. It is because of this, that we must take a occasion and reconsider the fact that not every batch you make will work on every style of food you make.

For example, we should look at French gravy. This appetizing topping is far from the usual compound of meat drippings and flour. This does work well on red meats and similar items though and you will find that it has a amount of ingredients that will literally heighten the comprehensive flavors that you experience. Just keep in mind that this will not be your traditional type of sauce, so have alternatives ready for the picky eaters in your family.


One of the biggest things you will observation is that this style of gravy literally contains tomatoes, onions, and green peppers as well. While this literally makes it a bit more succulent, it does differ as it is a bit runnier since there is not any flour in the mixture. This also means that this appetizing topping can duplicate as pasta sauce for those who might be concerned in using this recipe in that direction instead.

French Gravy

If you are pressed for time and finding for a quick topping, this is not the direction to go. Generally, you will be spending 30 - 60 minutes getting this ready to serve to your family. Of course, the final taste will be worth it, but you should keep that in mind if you are on a tight schedule.

Above all, be sure you try to change things up with this French gravy. You might reconsider replacing some of the tomato juice for red wine and creating a topping that will have the family asking for seconds of this sauce. Just be sure you do take your time and perhaps even reconsider doing a trial run before you serve it the first time.

French Gravy

What You Will Need

4 Cans tomatoes with juice
1 Large yellow onion
1 Green pepper
4 Tablespoons bacon grease
2 Tablespoons sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Sugar
Salt & Pepper
How to Make It

Start the process by heating a skillet to medium high heat. Next, add in your bacon grease and mix in your onion and green pepper and sauté them. Then add in your remaining ingredients and allow the compound to simmer on a low setting. When this is done, you should have a appetizing gift that your whole family will love. Salt and pepper your gravy to taste and serve hot.

French Gravy

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Toefl or Ielts - Which is Better?

Because universities want to make sure you have the English language skills considerable to study at their school, approximately all institutes of higher studying need you to take a test of English. And Toefl and Ielts are the two biggest standardized tests of the English language. One of the most frequent questions I hear is which test is easier or which test is better. The retort depends on what kinds of tests you excel at, as well as where you plan to apply. This article breaks down the differences between the two tests so that you can make your own decision.



The Ielts test is administrated by the British Councils, the University of Cambridge, and Ielts Australia. That is to say, it is associated with the British government and traditionally was used by British universities, as well as New Zealand and Australian universities to decree the language potential of foreign students. Toefl is administered by Ets, a Us-based non-profit and is used widely by American and Canadian universities. However, these days, in order to make it easy on international students, universities all over the world take both Toefl and Ielts. While you should check with the exact university you want to apply to, in general any school in the Us, the Uk, Australia or New Zealand will take either test score. So that's one worry off your mind. Pick the test you think will be easier for you to complete. To do that, you probably need to know the structure of each exam.

Structure of the Toefl

As of last year, valid Toefl is approximately universally given in the iBt (Internet Based Testing) format. It consists of four sections:


The Toefl Reading section asks you to read 4-6 passages of university level and to retort multiple-choice questions about them (multiple-choice means you select the retort from provided options). Questions test you on comprehension of the text, main ideas, prominent details, vocabulary, inferring, rhetorical devices and style.


The Listening Section presents long 2-3 conversations and 4-6 lectures. The situations are all the time associated to university life i.e. A conversation between a pupil and a librarian about finding investigate materials or a lecture from a history class. The questions are multiple option and ask you about prominent details, inferences, tone, and vocabulary. The conversations and lectures are very natural and comprise informal English, interruptions, filler noises like "uh" or "Uhm."


The Speaking section is recorded. You will speak into a microphone and a grader will listen to your answers at a later date and grade you. Two questions will be on familiar topics and ask you to give your concept and/or quote something familiar to you, like your town or your favorite teacher. Two questions will ask you to summarize facts from a text and a conversation--and may ask your concept as well. Two questions will ask you to summarize facts from a short conversation. Again, the topics of the conversations are all the time university-related.


Finally, there are two short essays on the Toefl. One will ask you to write your concept on a broad topic, such as either it is great to live in the country or the city. One will ask you to summarize facts from a text and a lecture--often the two will disagree with each other and you will need to either assess and contrast, or synthesize conflicting information.

Ielts Structure

The Ielts contains the same 4 sections, Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing, but the format is very different.


The reading section of the Ielts gives you 3 texts, which may be from scholastic textbooks or from a newspaper or magazine--but all at the level of a university student. One will all the time be an concept piece--i.e. A text arguing for one point of view. The range of questions on the Ielts is quite broad, and not every text will have every request type. One request type asks you to match headings to paragraphs in the text. You may be asked to faultless a summary of the duct using words from the text. Or you may have to fill in a table or chart or photo with words from the text. There may be multiple-choice questions that ask you about key details. One of the hardest request types presents statements and asks you either these statements are true, false or not included in the text. You may also be asked to match words and ideas. Finally, some questions are short-answer but the answers will be taken directly from the text itself.

Some questions come before the text and may not need specific reading to answer. Others come after the text and may expect you to have read the text thoroughly.


The Ielts has four listening sections. The first is a "transactional conversation" in which man may be applying for something (a driver's license, a library card) or asking for facts (say calling for more details about an advertisement or a hotel). The second section is an informational lecture of some kind, maybe a dean explaining the rules of the university. Third is a conversation in an scholastic context and the final section will be an scholastic lecture. For all sections you may be asked to fill out a summary, fill in a table, retort multiple-choice questions, label a diagram or picture, or classify facts into different categories. You will be improbable to fill out answers as you listen.


There are two writing tasks on the scholastic Ielts. The first asks you to summarize a table or chart in about 300 words. You will have to recognize prominent information, assess and disagreement different figures or maybe quote a process. The second task asks you to gift your concept on a statement about a fairly open topic such as: "Women should look after children and not work" or "Too many citizen are tantalizing to cities and rural areas are suffering."


Finally, the speaking section will be held on a different day from the rest of the test and in the presence of a trained interviewer. The questions are the same for all examinees but some parts may be more in the form of a conversation than a monologue. The first part of the test will be a brief initial conversation followed by some short questions about familiar topics. The interviewer may ask your name, your job, what kinds of sports you like, what your daily disposition is, and so on. In the second part, you will be given a card with a topic and a few exact questions to address. You will have to speak for two minutes on this topic, which may be about your daily routine, the last time you went to the movies, your favorite part of the world or a similar familiar topic. In the last section, the interviewer will ask you to discuss a more abstract side of the topic in part 2--why do citizen prefer daily routines? Why do citizen like the movies? How does tour influence local life?

Which is great for Me?

So now you have some comprehension of what each test involves, but you might be wondering which is great for you. Maybe in reading about the structure, you thought, "Wow Toefl sounds so easy," or, "Oh the Ielts sounds like it's kind of fun!" That might be a good sign that one test will be easier for you than the other. More concretely, there are a join of key differences between the tests.

British versus American English

While both the Uk and the Us accept both tests, and while British English and American English are not as different as some think, the fact of the matter is the Ielts tends to use British English and the Toefl uses exclusively American English. On the Ielts, this disagreement will have a larger consequent because spelling counts, and that is one area where Britain and the Us do not all the time see eye-to-eye. Obviously if you have problems with the British accent (and the test may comprise a wide range of accents, along with Australian, New Zealand, Irish and Scottish). On the other hand, American accents may throw you off. Confident terms are also different and you don't want to waste time in your speaking test asking what a flat or a lorry is. So either you are used to British or American English is unquestionably a factor. If you are more comfortable with Us English, the Toefl is a good bet but if you are used to British English and accents, you'll do great on the Ielts.

Multiple option versus Copying Down

For the reading and listening sections, Toefl gives you multiple-choice questions, whereas Ielts generally expects you to copy down words from the text or the conversation word-for-word. Multiple-choice questions will tend to be need slightly great abstract thinking, but the Ielts favors citizen who have good memories and think more concretely. The good thing about multiple-choice is that it is easy to pick out wrong answers, whereas the good thing about copying down is that the retort is sitting there in the text. You just have to find it and repeat it. So, concrete thinkers will tend to do great on the Ielts and abstract thinkers will tend to excel on the Toefl.

Predictable or different Every Time

Of course, the Toefl is also more predictable than the Ielts. The Ielts throws lots of different request types at you, and the instructions are often slightly different every time. That makes it harder to prepare for. The Toefl, on the other hand, is pretty much the same test every time--pick A, B, C, D, or E. On the other hand, the Ielts unquestionably keeps you on your toes and that can keep you more alert.

Speaking to a man or a Computer?

Another large disagreement is in how the speaking section is carried out. For some people, it's very relaxing to just article your answers into a computer because it feels like no one is listening. You just try your best and forget about it until you get your grades. Because the Ielts test is done in an interview format with a native speaker present, you might get nervous or feel you are being judged. And they take notes: Oh God, did he write down something good or something bad? On the other hand, you might feel more relaxed in a conversation, with a man there to construe if you don't understand a question, or plainly having a face to look at, instead of a computer screen. Getting feedback from a native speaker can be helpful too, in order to accurate mistakes and enhance during the test. So it depends on what you are more comfortable with. If you like talking to people, the Ielts is a great bet. If you just want to be alone and not feel judged, the Toefl will be more comfortable for you.

Holistic versus Criteria

Finally, the speaking and writing sections of the Toefl are graded holistically. The grader gives you a score based on the thorough potential of the essay, along with vocabulary, logic, style, and grammar. The Ielts by disagreement is marked by private criteria and you are scored individually for grammar, word choice, fluency, logic, cohesion, and a dozen other criteria. In other words, if you write well but have a lot of small grammar mistakes, your Toefl score might be quite good because graders will ignore small mistakes if the thorough essay is logical and detailed. The Ielts will not overlook bad grammar. On the other hand, if your grammar and vocabulary are strong but you have trouble expressing your concept or organizing an essay, you could end up with a low Toefl score but the Ielts will give you good marks for language use. So while it may sound like the Ielts is much tougher since it grades you on everything, in fact you can get quite a good score if you are strong in a estimate of areas. The Toefl emphasizes the potential to put together a logical and detailed seminar (or summary) and looks at clarity, word choice, and style above all. If you don't feel comfortable writing essays but you think you have excellent grammar and vocabulary and thorough are a decent writer, the Ielts will probably be easier for you.

I hope this essay was helpful in manufacture your choice. In any case, I propose you go to the websites of Ielts and Toefl and get some more detail on each test, and also try out some custom problems on your own.

Toefl or Ielts - Which is Better?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Canning - How to Make Homemade Apple Chutney Plus a method

During the fall season, we love to visit our local fruit orchard and pick our own apples so that we can make some homemade apple chutney.

We enjoy using this chutney as a sandwich spread or as an increasing to our homemade chicken, turkey and tuna salads. If you are using it as a salad spread, cut your mayonnaise or salad dressing in half and replace the other half with the chutney.


This method requires the basic home canning equipment: half-pint or pint-sized mason jars, water bath canner, jar lifter, seals and rings, ladle and a funnel.

Apple Chutney Recipe

2 quarts apples

2 teaspoons lemon juice

2 lbs. Seedless raisins

4 cups brown sugar, firmly packed

1 medium onion, finely chopped

1 cup sweet red peppers, finely chopped

2 red peppers, finely chopped

1 clove of garlic, crushed

2 1/2 tablespoons mustard seed

2 tablespoons ginger

2 teaspoons ground allspice

1 teaspoon curry powder

2 teaspoons table salt

4 cups white vinegar

Apple Preparation: Wash, peel, core and chop your apples, sprinkle with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to prevent darkening; set aside.

In a large stock pot, join all of the above ingredients, one at a time and stirring in in the middle of each addition. Over medium heat, simmer the aggregate for 60 to 85 minutes or until the aggregate has thickened. Use a nonstick silicone spatula to stir the aggregate every 10 minutes.

Once aggregate is done cooking, ladle it into hot and clean mason jars, leaving a 1/2" head space. Use a soft cotton towel and wipe the rims clean before placing the seal and ring onto your jar.

Process jars in your water bath canner for 10 to 15 minutes or agreeing to manufacturers instructions. Once they are done, carefully take off them from the water and let them cool in a non-drafty area of your kitchen. After 2 hours have passed, recheck your jars to make sure they have all sealed properly.

Canning - How to Make Homemade Apple Chutney Plus a method

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hungarian Recipes

Hungarian cuisine is known for its use of paprika (which was originally brought to the country by the Ottoman Turks when they invaded the country in 1526), eggs, and sour cream.

Some popular Hungarian dishes include:


* Fish Soup - A soup ready using ultimately chopped onions, paprikam, and mixed river fish (such as carp, catfish, perch, or pike). Black pepper, tomatoes or tomato juice, and white wine are used in some variations of dished

Hungarian Recipes

* Fozelék - A mashed vegetable dish made from, cabbage, lentils, peas, potatoes, spinach, squash, or tomatoes. The dish is eaten as a main course, and may be topped with a hard-boiled egg, meatballs or pörkölt.

* Gulyás (also known as "Gulyásleves") - A beef and vegetable soup. Meat (usually shank, shin or shoulder) is cut into chunks, seasoned, paprika added, and then browned in a pot with oil. Sliced onions, peppers, garlic, herbs, and sometimes ultimately chopped potatoes are added. The soup achieves a thick texture because of the gelatin from the bones in the meat, as well as the starch for any potatoes used.

* Pan-fried Goose Liver

* Pörkölt - A meat stew with meat, onion and paprika. Bell peppers, caraway seeds and tomatoes are used in some inequity of the recipe, although some chefs prefer to avoid these items. Typically beef, lamb, pork or chicken is used as the meat, but offal such tripe or liver can be used, and some people have even been known to put in order the dish using seafood.

Hungarian Recipes

Monday, January 2, 2012

Top Vacation Spots in the United States

If your seeing for the top vacation spots in the united states, you'll generally find that they are located near the coasts. There are really hundreds of places to pick from, but here are some of the top places that I have been to.


New Jersey beaches

New jersey has some of the finest beaches on the east coast of the united states. From the north eastern tip of Sandy hook, with old forces forts and majestic views of the Manhattan skyline to the pizza filled aroma of Seaside heights, there are plentifulness of beaches to pick from to take your family. One place I propose is Wildwood where there are two boardwalks filled with rides and games for your kids and loved ones. You can find really hundreds of low cost hotels and motels to pick from, and most are located just a short walk from all the attractions.

Naples, Florida

Naples Florida is located on the southwestern edge of the florida coast. With world famed architecture and old style construction design, there is plentifulness of things for you to do in Naples. One important attraction of this vacation destination is 5th ave district, where you can shop at some of the finest stores in Florida. In the spring, the weather is excellent and you can watch the sunset from the famed 2nd ave. Pier. Every sunset is more majestic then the last, and you'll be sure to enjoy plentifulness of night time activities as well.

Top spots in San Diego, California

San Diego has been widely regarded as one of the top vacation spots in the United States. With its warm weather year round, and wide range of activities from sea world to amusement parks, its sure to be a winner with your whole family. an additional one major attraction you can visit is the San Diego zoo. Some of the highlights of the zoo include the flamingo lagoon, the polar bear plunge and elephant mesa. Parking at the zoo is relatively cheap and there are a wide range of restaurants to pick from.

Fun in New York city

By far one of the top vacation spots in the U.S. Would have to be New York City. There is so much to do in New York that its hard to list everything. You could visit the statue of liberty, take a ride on a speedboat, or view the city from the air with a helicopter tour. You can find virtually any type of cuisine out there, at any time of the day or night, and be able to do roughly whatever your heart desires.

If you really want to find great vacation spots, check out our growing list of cheap vacation spots in the United States, which is updated regularly.

Top Vacation Spots in the United States

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Turkey Recipes - Adding Fruits to Turkey for a Sweet Thanksgiving supper

Since we have been trying distinct turkey recipes for our Thanksgivings, we're coming up with a new one for the coming holiday - fruit-glazed and fruit-tasting turkey. This may be more on the sweet side, but everyone will find this something other than the same old turkey. The ones we've tried the previous years were more on the savory side using fresh herbs and vegetables from our garden. Adding this fruit-glazed turkey formula this year can add a bit of sweetness to our Turkey dish. My eldest daughter has already called it our sweet Thanksgiving dinner.


Fruit-Glazed Turkey

12 pounds turkey 1 pack (14 ounces) of unseasoned stuffing cubes 1 medium onion, chopped 1 medium red apple, chopped 1 celery rib, chopped 1 cup raisins 1 cup turkey or beef broth 1 cup butter, melted 1 tablespoon poultry seasoning

For the Fruit Glaze
2 cans crushed pineapple, unsweetened 1 can mandarin oranges 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

For the Gravy
3-4 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper


Put together first eight ingredients then stuff into the turkey. Place remaining stuffing in a greased baking dish and refrigerate. Skewer the turkey openings and tie to join the drumsticks together. Place turkey with the breast side up on a rack in a roasting pan, and bake at 325° for 1 hour, uncovered.

Meanwhile, place the glaze ingredients in a blender or food processor and process until smooth. Refrigerate 1 cup of the composition for the gravy. After an hour of baking, brush some of the glaze all over the turkey and add at least 1/2 inch of hot water into the roasting pan. Bake for 3 hours longer or until a meat thermometer reads 180° for the turkey and 165° for the stuffing. During the baking process, baste turkey two to three times with the glaze and the pan drippings. When practically cooked, find the turkey and bake added for 10 to 15 minutes. When turkey has turned golden brown, you're done. Cover and let stand for 20 minutes before carving.

For the gravy, pour pan drippings and browned bits into a bowl. Skim the fat. Merge 1 cup of the pan drippings and 1 cup of broth in a saucepan. Moderately mix in flour, salt and pepper until blended well. Bring to boil over medium-high heat, permanently stirring until thickened. Stir in the refrigerated glaze. Bring to someone else boil, stirring constantly, until thick. Glaze over turkey.

For a festive trick, ornament your turkey with cooked pineapple or strawberry cubes along with fresh parsley. The parsley brings not only a piece of greenery on your Thanksgiving turkey, but something you and your guests can chew after dinner to help freshen up the breath.

Happy Thanksgiving from my home to yours!

Turkey Recipes - Adding Fruits to Turkey for a Sweet Thanksgiving supper