Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are good for you for a whole of reasons. First they are high in protein which makes them a excellent substitute for meat. They also consist of an excellent whole of omega-6 fatty acids, dietary fiber, and valuable vitamins and minerals.

It is wonderful to note that the sunflower follows the sun as it travels nearby the earth; in the morning it faces east to where the sun rises, and then follows the sun westward into sunset. This could be why it is said to be the most cheerful flower in the world; it absorbs the sun and transforms the sunshine into vitamin D. Vitamin D has been shown to lift the moods and even fight against depression.

So why not add these tasty seeds to your daily diet? You can add them into your trail mix, salads, stir-fries, and baking. Sunflower seeds can also be sprouted which is another wholesome way to consume them.
Lightly salted and toasted seeds are great by themselves, and as a matter of fact, they are a great substitute for chips, especially when you buy them unhulled. Unhulling the seeds is a great way to keep oneself occupied, and will keep one from overeating. Substituting sunflower seeds for chips or other unhealthy snacks can help to wean one off those foods, suppress the food cravings, and help to loose weight because one is not inviting all those unhealthy calories. (one is too busy unhulling them things.)
You can buy them raw, hulled or unhulled, as well as toasted and flavored, hulled or unhulled.
Sunflower Seeds

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